
Annecy Center for Laser Radiometry

Calorimeters high power
6kW - 16kW

for continuous lasers
10W - 4kW

Hybrid radiometers for pulsed laser ms
10W - 2kW CW
20kW Peak 100µs - 50ms

Absorbent glass joule-meters 1J - 20 000J

logo img mail Info@laser-metrologie.com
logo img telephone Tel. : +33 (0)4 50 46 02 42

Website made by LASER METROLOGIE
Latest update : September, 29th 2021

The company LASER METROLOGIE was created in 1991. It is a SAS whose share capital is held by 2 partners: Agnès and Marco SOSCIA, permanent employees within it. Its Founding President Marco SOSCIA, Doctor by training, created this company after spending 6 years at the National Metrology and Testing Laboratory (LNE: Laboratoire National de métrologie et d'Essais) for the development of reference radiometric standards at the National level. At the time, the creation of LASER METROLOGIE met the needs expressed by the automotive industry, RENAULT and PSA, wishing to equip themselves with power meters for the characterization of high-power industrial lasers that they use in sheet metal welding and splicing processes. Since its creation, LASER METROLOGIE has been eligible for the C.I.R. (Crédit Impôts Recherche) and has benefited for its innovation developments from the support of ANVAR, OSEO of BPI France and most recently of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. Thus, on the strength of multidisciplinary technological knowledge, LASER METROLOGIE has participated in major projects such as:

  • “SILVA” with CEA Pierrelatte to develop radiometry for copper vapor lasers (1kW), intended for isotopic uranium enrichment,
  • “ULTRA” ANR project for laser machining of aeronautical cooling systems (Usinage par Laser des sysTèmes de Refroidissement Aéronautiques),
  • “COMPOCHOC” FUI project for nanosecond laser shock control of the bonding of composites in aeronautical assemblies,

and today to the Laser Mégajoule project with CEA CESTA which is developing a source with 176 nanosecond lasers (15,000J at 1.053μm and 7,500J at 0.353μm) as a tool used in the simulation of nuclear reactions, but also in the perspective of to initiate the cold fusion of hydrogen isotopes.
All of these developments have given rise to several patent filings in their own name or in co-ownership with CEA CESTA, CNRS, L’Ecole des Arts et Métiers and most recently the SAFRAN group.




Legal Informations

Our referents

logo img adresse Parc Altaïs
12 rue de la Lyre
74000 ANNECY

Our participation in the program
"Laser Mégajoule"

Automated pulsed laser micro-welding

Metrology machine for mechanics

Metrology machine for glassware

Our study services


SAS / RCS of Annecy
Share capital 500 000 €
SIRET 383 455 490 00052
APE 2651B