Annecien Center

Annecy Center for Laser Radiometry

Calorimeters high power
6kW - 16kW

for continuous lasers
10W - 4kW

Hybrid radiometers for pulsed laser ms
10W - 2kW CW
20kW Peak 100µs - 50ms

Absorbent glass joule-meters 1J - 20 000J

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Website made by LASER METROLOGIE
Latest update : September, 29th 2021

With the help of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and BPI France, LASER METROLOGIE creates the 'Centre Annécien de Radiométrie des fortes puissances et énergies Laser' (Annecy Center for Radiometry of high laser powers and energies). The center is equipped with 2 continuous power lasers: a 2kW "TruFlow" laser at 10.6µm and an 8kW "TruDisk" laser at 1.030µm. These 2 lasers will ensure calibration missions up to 8kW for all players in the aeronautics industry who use power lasers at these 2 wavelengths but also for actors in the automotive industry which will find in France the means of reference to connect their power-meters. Our TruDisk 8kW laser will simulate the 20,000J which will ultimately correspond to the energy of each of the 176 nanosecond pulsed lasers that will make up the Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) at CEA CESTA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) in Bordeaux. LASER METROLOGY has designed the electrical substitution standard calorimeter which serves as a reference for LMJ radiometry and which has been the subject of two patents filed jointly with CEA CESTA. A standard calorimeter of the same type with an absolute accuracy close to 1% has been developed for the Centre Annécien de Radiométrie: it allows direct calibrations at 2kW unlike the other reference used in Europe: the cryogenic reference at 1mW, which induces multiple successive connections to achieve the same power levels.

Your contact : Marco SOSCIA, company president of LASER METROLOGIE and technical expert of COFRAC (French Accreditation Committee) for laser radiometry.




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Our referents

logo img adresse Parc Altaïs
12 rue de la Lyre
74000 ANNECY

Our participation in the program
"Laser Mégajoule"

Automated pulsed laser micro-welding

Metrology machine for mechanics

Metrology machine for glassware

Our study services


SAS / RCS of Annecy
Share capital 500 000 €
SIRET 383 455 490 00052
APE 2651B